Friday, June 01, 2007

Revival is neither more nor less than the impact of the personality of Jesus Christ upon a church or a community. The whole area becomes God-conscious. ...Duncan Campbell

We don't understand revival; in fact, we don't even have the slightest concept of what true revival is. For generations we have thought of revival in terms of a banner across the road or over a church entryway. We think revival means a silver-tongued preacher, some good music, and a few folks who decide they're going to join the church. No! Real revival is when people are eating at a restaurant or walking through the mall when they suddenly begin to weep and turn to their friends and say, "I don't know what's wrong with me, but I now I've got to get right with God." ...Tommy Tenney

Revival is the people of God living in the power of an ungrieved, unquenched Spirit. ...James A. Stewart photo


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