Monday, June 11, 2007

Vestal NY: Christian bikers reach out to those 'unsaved'
Franklin Graham joins more than 1,000 motorcyclists at ride.

June 11, 2007

By George Basler

VESTAL -- With colorful tattoos on both arms, a black leather vest and jeans, Chuck Kaericher fit the stereotypical image of a biker.

But there was more behind the stereotype. The tattoos reflected Kaericher's Christian faith. The vest advertised the fact that he's a member of a Christian motorcycle club. And the blue baseball cap he wore let it be known he was a counselor willing to share his beliefs.

The 49-year-old Philadelphia man was among more than 1,000 bikers who made the trip to Broome County for Sunday's Andrew's Good News Ride, designed to spread the message of Christian salvation through Operation Andrew, an outreach program by which Christians pray for their "unsaved" family and friends.

"God looks at what's in my heart. He goes beyond this skin," said Kaericher, who acknowledged he's abused alcohol and drugs before finding his way back to Christianity, at the strong urging of his wife, in the 1990s.
the rest


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