A word received:
I AM. I AM calling my people back to me.
Turn to me.
Turn to me and I will lead you through.
Turn to me in repentance and prayer.
Turn to me for this day's strength.
Albany Intercessor
Welcome to Transfigurations! This blog is intended to serve the orthodox Christian community. We pray that all that is posted here will be faithful to the Scriptures as the inspired word of God, speak the truth in love, edify, bless and transform the body of Christ, and be an impetus for revival, repentance, prayer and intercession!
ACN Council Meeting News July 31, 2007
Common Cause Articles and Theological Statement
Posted 4:25 pm: Council Ratifies Common Cause Structural Document
4:30 pm: TLC:Revised Network Charter Retains Clause Acceding to TEC Constitution
4:38 pm: Bishop Duncan Re-elected Network Moderator
4:50 pm: ENS: LOS ANGELES: Appeals court will not reconsider property ruling
5:54 pm: Ephraim Radner: A Brief Statement of Resignation from the Anglican Communion Network
Persecution of Christians Increasing, but Most Americans Unaware
Gay group targets adoption site
Revelation: Women joining men in porn-addiction ranks, Christian groups say
Abortion Centers Misuse Heart Drug Digoxin to Do "Partial-Birth" Abortions
U.S. Votes to Accept Gay UN NGOs
Jesus vs. the ACLU
Russian Youth Group Encourages "More Sex" to Save Motherland from Dwindling Population
Albert Mohler:"Utterly Normal?" -- No "Post-Homosexualist" Era Yet
Report: China detains four priests from underground Catholic church
NYT: Anti-Abortion Leaders Size Up G.O.P. Candidates
Theology battle rocks Springs church, world
TLC: Bishop Duncan: Fall HOB Meeting is Windsor Bishops' 'Last Stand'
Conservative Anglicans Losing Hope in Episcopal Church
Address of the Right Reverend Robert Duncan, Moderator of the Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes to the Fourth Annual Council at Bedford, Texas
Stand Firm: Common Cause Articles and Theological Statement
Stand Firm: AAC Legal Transparency Petition
Church of England Newspaper reports on Charges of Canon Irregularities by 815
The Very Rev. Dr. Stephen Noll: An Open Letter to Network Bishops and Common Cause Partners Regarding the Future of Anglicanism in North America
Leader's Insight: Your Church's DNA
Religious Reversal: San Diego School Drops Special Treatment For Muslims
Millionaire’s wife ‘forced to abort baby girls’
Men giving away Bibles cleared of charges
Defining the Church . . . Badly
Brownback, Huckabee Resonating Among Evangelicals
Millions believe this man is the Antichrist
New Survey Finds Majority of Americans Remain Opposed to Same-Sex "Marriage"
Without gay priests Church would be lost claims Bishop Gene
Anglican Report Episode 32
Praise God for Five Talents
TLC: English Bishops Divided over Episcopal Church's Lambeth Participation
Patients tout successes of adult stem-cell, cord-blood treatments
Evangelicals start push in the arts
Iraq Church Head: Christian Plight Worse Than Reported
'Good' is Not a Bad Word
Democrats shift approach on abortion
Canada's Population is Aging at an Alarming Rate: 2006 Census
Peggy Noonan: Rich Man, Boor Man
Pharmacists Sue Over Morning-After Pill
Bishops threaten to boycott Lambeth Conference
'Theology on Tap'
Exodus of churches, members from the PCUSA
Gay people from New Mexico can marry in Massachusetts
Bishop of Oxford Visits Flood Victims
Taleban murder Christian hostage after ‘bungled effort to pay ransom’
Heatwave turns southeastern Europe into tinderbox as fires rage
Archbishop Sentamu Links Communion Ties to Lambeth Attendance