Saturday, July 14, 2007

Three-fold increase in failed marriages in Spain
The report states that a martial separation occurs every 3.19 minutes in Spain, and that most separations end in divorce.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Institute for Family Policy in Spain said this week that two years after the country began allowing no-fault divorce, the number of failed marriages has more than tripled.

“The breakdown of the family has had a very negative development in Spain during recent years, in the last two years since the approval of no-fault divorce, the increase has been of such scope that, among other things, the number of divorces has tripled during this time,” the institute said in a report.

The report states that a martial separation occurs every 3.19 minutes in Spain, and that most separations end in divorce. More than 274,000 couples have separated since the law was passed. More than 450,000 children are caught in the middle, and by 2010 for every marriage that takes place another will end in divorce.
the rest


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