Thursday, October 04, 2007

Observations of Presiding Bishop Mouneer Anis on the House of Bishops meeting in New Orleans
Thursday October 04th 2007

I am very grateful for the warm welcome from and hospitality of the Presiding Bishop and other Bishops from The Episcopal Church in America (TEC). I was invited to participate in the House of Bishops (HOB) meeting as well as the Joint Standing Committee, as a member of the Primates Standing Committee. It was a wonderful and unique opportunity to be able to listen to the TEC Bishops in New Orleans and learn about the Church in America. I was also very grateful for the opportunity I was given to address the HOB.

During the HOB meetings I observed the following:

Membership in the Anglican Communion

The majority of Bishops are keen to maintain their membership with in the Anglican Communion. ”We need the Anglican Communion, and the Anglican Communion needs us”. Some Bishops also expressed their appreciation of the companionship relations and mission work between TEC Dioceses and other Dioceses within the Anglican Communion.

the rest


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