Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"Q" joins GLBT in Sexual Chaos
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

If you keep tabs on the homosexual agenda, you may have noticed a new letter lately - "Q." "Q" has been slipped onto the back end of GLBT, the acronym commonly utilized by advocates of homosexual behavior to represent those for whom they advocate. Advocates of homosexual behavior understand that there is strength in numbers, so they have combined "Gay," "Lesbian," "Bisexual," and "Transgender" into one force designed to reshape our country's attitudes towards sexual behavior. With the neatly packaged "GLBT," purveyors of deviance have created and successfully marketed a capsule of sexual abnormality that is now regularly and easily swallowed by the unsuspecting American consumer. If most citizens were truly educated on the truth behind the GLBT notion, they wouldn't be buying.

Enter now the mysterious "Q." The "Q" stands for "Questioning," and its new inclusion in the acronym of sexual immorality is quite telling, as it makes remarkably clear what we've been saying all along, that homosexual behavior is just that-behavior. Do an internet search on LBGTQ, and you'll see that the "Q" is now standard phraseology at our country's educational institutions, including: Brown, Arizona State, Colgate, George Mason, Toronto, Wisconsin, Chicago, Hawaii, Manhattan, North Carolina, and Georgetown, just to name a few. See also the Wikipedia definition, where other acronyms like LGBTQQ, LGBTQ2, LGBU, LGBTI, LGBTT, LGBTA, LGBTTTIQQA, FABGLITTER, etc., are fully described. Like Pinocchio's nose, the acronym grows longer with each added lie.
the rest


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