Welcome to Transfigurations! This blog is intended to serve the orthodox Christian community. We pray that all that is posted here will be faithful to the Scriptures as the inspired word of God, speak the truth in love, edify, bless and transform the body of Christ, and be an impetus for revival, repentance, prayer and intercession!
Church Times: UK Evangelicals ask conservative Primates to rethink
Outrage in New Hampshire: Lawmakers Consider Measure Endangering Minors and Trampling Parental Rights
Hindu chants invocation in Colorado Senate
Christian Photographer Hauled before Commission for Refusing Same-Sex Job
Tainted Drugs Tied to Maker of Abortion Pill
Anglican Covenant Design Group meets in London
Rare snowstorm hits the Middle East
TLC: PB Recognizes Remaining San Joaquin Episcopalians
Abortionist Inflicts Demonic Psycho-terror on
Christians 'fleeing from Iraq'
Oxford clergyman attacks Muslim plans for calls to prayer
US Envoy Calls Kenya Violence 'Ethnic Cleansing,' Not Genocide
Letter shows rift among Episcopal conservatives
TLC: Bishop Howe: Church Litigation a Travesty
McCain wins in Florida with seniors, Hispanics, moderates
Ruth Gledhill Reports from England for AnglicanTV
New Blog!
Young evangelicals could be key in GOP race
The World's First Pro-Life Film Festival
The PB Looks a Gift Horse in the Mouth
TLC: Bishop Chane ‘Sick of Reports of Decline’
Archbishop of Canterbury calls for new law to punish 'thoughtless or cruel' words
City Pastors Switch Pulpits for Solitude, Renewal
Babies feel pain before 24 week abortion limit
Robot scribe copies the Bible as a performance art event
Sentamu stands the Pope a beer
Trinity Episcopal Church's proposed break from the national church has divided Vero Beach congregation
Australia: Agreement will be signed by local Anglican and Roman Catholic heads
Polling station at Mass. Catholic church won’t cover crucifix
Albert Mohler: Old and Alone?
Homosexuals Squelch Facts About MRSA Outbreak, Conservatives Say
Al Gore backs homosexual 'marriage'
Rick Warren: Mainline Church Problems Need Evangelical Solution
Archbishop Christodoulos dies at 69
Commentary: The Continuing Drama in the Episcopal Church Visits the Diocese of Pittsburgh
Spreading the word in China
Bishops make moves on Episcopal chessboard
TitusOneNine: Resolution Passed by South Carolina Diocesan Convention Today
TLC: Virginia Bishop: Conflict a Religious Liberty Issue
100 Anglican clergy renew vows;
Australia: Churches unite in leap of faith
New Anglican American bishop to visit Christ Church Sunday
What a strange place Canada is
Commentary: The “Secret” Sacrament of the Archbishop of Canterbury
ENS: Anglican Women's Empowerment to welcome delegates to 52nd UNCSW assembly
Hate campaign underway in India