Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The World's First Pro-Life Film Festival
Cinema Vita means "Films for Life"

January 11, 2008

Film festivals are more popular than ever. A
Google search for the term "film festival", for example, produces 23 million links. Some festivals specialize in a particular theme or genre (horror movies or documentaries), while many cater to independent films, some of which reflect certain cultural or ideological viewpoints. For young filmmakers, festivals can be valuable avenues for presenting their work to a wider audience and gaining financial backing, as well as the attention of critics. And well-known festivals such as Cannes (France), Sundance (United States), and Raindance (England) have a tremendous influence on the movie industry, especially in shaping critical expectations.

But what about a pro-life film festival? Has one ever been held? It doesn't appear that such a festival has ever existed—until now, with the first annual
Cinema Vita Film Festival, to be held on March 7, 2008, in San Francisco. the rest


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