Monday, January 14, 2008

Pope celebrates Mass ad orientem, speaks on Baptism
Vatican, Jan. 14, 2008

( - Pope Benedict XVI baptized 13 infants, the children of Vatican employees, in keeping with a Vatican tradition on the feast of the Baptism of Christ.

The Holy Father used the ad orientem posture, facing in the same direction as the congregation, using the magnificent altar of the Sistine Chapel rather than portable altar that had been set up in previous years. This provoked widespread comment, with many journalists reporting that the Pope had revived an old liturgical tradition. (In fact, the ad orientem posture was never abolished.)
the rest image

Schismatic Groups Coming Home, Reports Vatican
Cardinal Assesses Impact of "Summorum Pontificum"

By Mary Shovlain
ROME, JAN. 13, 2008

( Six months after Benedict XVI issued an apostolic letter on the extended use of the 1962 missal, the Vatican says it is seeing fruits of reconciliation with Catholics who objected to the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council. the rest


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