Welcome to Transfigurations! This blog is intended to serve the orthodox Christian community. We pray that all that is posted here will be faithful to the Scriptures as the inspired word of God, speak the truth in love, edify, bless and transform the body of Christ, and be an impetus for revival, repentance, prayer and intercession!
A Letter from Leslie Bentley About Dr. Jim Packer’s Situation
Muslim Brotherhood backs Archbishop of Canterbury
'Breakaway' Anglican churches may continue services: judge
Friday, February 29, 2008
A judge in Hamilton, Ont., has granted an interim order to two "breakaway" Anglican churches that will allow them to continue to hold services without having to share the facilities with members of the established church.
Congregations in St. George's Anglican Church in Lowville, Ont., and St. Hilda's Anglican Church in Oakville, Ont., voted to break away from the established church over theological issues. the rest
Short-term court victory for breakaway Anglican churches in Niagara
Million$ to pro-homosexual groups bad news for Christians, says activist
Canada Catholic Bishop Will Deny Politicians Communion if They Support Abortion
CANA Bishop Minns Addresses the ADV Congregations
Muslim scholars’ letter to the “Jewish community”
Africa's lesbians demand change
Bishop of Toronto: Anglican Church is doing just fine
IRS Investigates Obama's Denomination
In First, N.Y. Judge Allows Gay Divorce
Southern Cone Primate to visit Fort Worth Diocese
Matt Kennedy+: Centralizing Power in the Diocese of Louisiana
Million$ to pro-homosexual groups bad news for Christians, says activist
TLC: Switch to Southern Cone by San Joaquin Appears to Violate Canons of New Province
Canada: Two churches ask to offer same-sex blessings
Turkey in radical revision of Islamic texts
Largest earthquake in two decades hits UK
Washington NARAL Director Admits Abortion, 'Hard for Women," Won't Say Why
Breakaway parishes gird for possible legal costs
February 26, 2008
A group of people in Vancouver has committed to underwrite up to $1-million for a legal fund set up by the Anglican Network in Canada to defend breakaway parishes that refuse to hand over their keys to the Anglican Church of Canada.
Cheryl Chang, a director and a lawyer for the Anglican Network, declined yesterday to disclose the names of donors.
"They haven't actually made the donation at this stage, but they have agreed that if the money is needed they will commit to underwrite it," she said. "They are a group of individuals who go to church and are interested in Christianity and are interested in groups that are willing to stand up for the gospel." the rest
Huron Diocese: Anglican split not expected here
TLC: House of Bishops will Address ‘Bishops in Communion’ Plan
Death of Illinois Woman's Fetus Declared a Homicide
German Politician Blames Communism for Child Killings
UK: MPs investigate Catholic influence on [Catholic] schools
Survey: US Religious Landscape in Flux
On Rowan Williams
Richard Kew+: "Rowan Williams is a Wimp"
Bishop endorses new traditionalist programme
Monday, 25th February 2008
By: George Conger
US Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has endorsed a programme of alternative Episcopal oversight brought to her by a group of conservative American bishops.
The ‘Anglican Bishops in Communion’ seeks to merge the Primates’ Dar es Salaam pastoral council scheme with the ‘Episcopal Visitor’ programme created by Bishop Schori in a bid to hold the fissiparous elements of American Anglicanism together until an Anglican Covenant is agreed.
“This is a step forward, albeit a small one,” the Bishop of Central Florida, the Rt Rev John W Howe noted, that permits freedom of conscience for traditionalists while preserving good order in conformance to the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church. the rest
Anita Renfroe: Did You Hear the One About the Christian Comedian?
February 24, 2008
If you are a mother with children between the ages of, say, 5 and 55, you have probably been the recipient — once, twice, maybe even more times — of an e-mail message directing you to a particular YouTube clip. The grainy film features a somewhat ordinary looking woman of indeterminate age with longish red hair who is wearing glasses, slacks and a leather jacket. She stands on a stage next to a piano and grasps a microphone and, like a magician introducing her next trick, explains that she will condense into 2 minutes and 55 seconds “what a mom would say in a 24-hour period.” Then she looks down, clasps her hands, looks up and, as the familiar horns of the “William Tell Overture” sound, declares: “Strap on your seatbelt. Here we go.” Then she starts to sing, with a slight Southern accent, at breakneck speed:
Get up now
Get up now
Get up out of bed
Wash your face
Brush your teeth
Comb your sleepy head. . .
Pro-anorexia site clampdown urged