Thursday, March 13, 2008

Walking Away from Christ: Labyrinths in the Episcopal Church
Greg Griffith of Stand Firm

March 13, 2008

For years we have chronicled the promotion of paganism by some on the Episcopal left. Among the more notable episodes were the
Michigan seminar featuring transgendered pagan priest Raven Kaldera; the ongoing saga of Pennsylavanian Druid/Episcopal priest Bill Melnyk; the selling of a book of "love spells" in the Episcopal Church's flagship bookstore; and the revelation that Maury Johnston, a prominent Episcopal gay activist and author, led a double life as "Shadwynn" the Wiccan priest.

For years we have also watched the progress of the "labyrinth movement" with no small degree of skepticism, and we also keep a wary eye on "interfaith seminars," anything having to do with the "divine feminine," most any event hosted by Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, and anything where one might expect to see sufis, shamans or anyone whose official title includes the word "facilitator."
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