Sunday, May 04, 2008

Devotional: There is among the saints of the Most High a chosen group...

There is among the saints of the Most High a chosen group - perhaps larger than we think - whose divinely appointed ministry is that of the prayer closet. There, on their knees with a world map before them, its members individually and methodically pray out the problems of the advance of the kingdom. They [intercessors] precede missionaries into areas where Christ has not been named; they observe them as they attack firmly-placed barriers, breaking down by the high explosive of authoritative prayer the satanic opposition that continues to impede the forward progress of the gospel. Because the working the Spirit of God is everywhere, working through some mysterious law, dependent on intercession, these unseen workers are the real pioneers of Christian missions. Unknown to themselves [the intercessors] their word in the heavenlies is mighty through God to the overthrowing of principalities and powers. National boundaries are melting down before the faith and fervor of their supplications.... True geographic prayer ministry needs close abiding in God.... They are trained in spiritual observation and can discern constant shifting of the lines of combat, which is not obvious to others. ...John A. MacMillan image


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