Sunday, May 25, 2008

Devotional: Ye people that today hear the words of Jesus!

Ye people that today hear the words of Jesus!
Ye are now this day invited to come to the mountain of his church on which stands his cross and his throne. Ye weary, heavy laden, sin-destroyed, sin-ruined souls; ye that know and feel your need of Jesus; ye that weep because of sin; ye are bidden to come now to Christ's cross, to look to him who shed his blood for the ungodly, and looking to him, you shall find peace and rest; so that when he cometh with rainbow wreath and robes of storm, you shall be able to see him not with alarm and terror, but with joy and gladness. For you shall say, "Here he is, the man who died for me has come to claim me, he who bought me has come to receive me; my judge is my Redeemer, and I will rejoice in him." Oh! turn ye...turn ye unto God!...O Lord Jesus! by thy grace turn every one of us to thyself! ...CH Spurgeon image


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