Thursday, June 26, 2008

Court Convicts Bishop Bennison in Misconduct Case

June 26, 2008

The Court For the Trial of a Bishop has found the Rt. Rev. Charles E. Bennison, Jr., Bishop of Pennsylvania, guilty on both counts relating to the way he responded after learning that his brother, John, hired by Bishop Bennison as youth group leaders and Sunday School superintendent, was engaged in a sexual relationship with a teenaged youth group member at the parish where Bishop Bennison was rector in the 1970s.

The verdict on the first count, “contemporaneous failure to respond appropriately,” was unanimous. On the second count, “subsequent suppression of pertinent information,” the verdict just met the canonically required two-thirds majority. Bishop Bruce Caldwell of Wyoming joined with the Rev. Marjorie Menaul and the Rev. Karen B. Montagno in dissenting from the majority decision on the second count. There were no opinions issued with the verdicts.

The standing committee of the diocese in which the convicted bishop resides must consent to whatever sentence is recommended by the court. Punishment can be admonition, suspension or deposition as covered under Title IV, Canon 12, Section 1(a). the rest

Episcopal Church convicts Pa. bishop of cover-up

ENS: Bennison convicted of conduct unbecoming a clergy member


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