Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Devotional: So come!

So come! With heads erect, let us advance, ignoring everything, and remaining always satisfied with God and with all that he makes us do and accomplishes within us. Let us take good care not to get foolishly involved in all those fears and doubts which, like paths leading nowhere, only tempt us to wander on and on until we are hopelessly lost. Let us leap over this maze of self-love instead of trying to explore its endless alleys.
...Jean-Pierre de Caussade image


At 3:17 PM, Blogger Geoff M. Pope said...

Outstanding excerpt from Abandonment to Divine Providence, which I've been comforted and challenged by this spring. And here's the next few sentences, which I especially like -- in both content and form:

So come! Never mind weariness, illness, lack of feeling, irritability, exhaustion, the snares of the devil and of men. With all that they create of distrust, jealousy, prejudice, and evil imagings. Let us soar like an eagle above these clouds with our eyes fixed on the sun and its rays...(de Caussade, p. 73).


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