Monday, July 21, 2008

Prayer for Lambeth: The Hole in the Roof

Dear Jesus,

We do not know the names of the four faithful friends who cut a hole in the roof to bring the paralyzed to You. We do not know the name of the widow who gave her mite. We do not know the name of the Roman centurion who trusted in Your command to heal his suffering servant. We do not know the name of the boy who gave his lunch to feed the multitude. We do not know the name of the Syro-Phoenician woman who begged that the crumbs from Your table be given to her daughter.

We do not know their names, and yet these people lead us to You. Be with the many nameless participants at the Lambeth Conference that they too may lead us to You. Amen.

Jill at
Lent and Beyond ( More prayer for Lambeth here)


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