Saturday, July 05, 2008

Williams Calls for Anglican Renewal

Archbishop blasts conservatives' efforts to split the denomination.
Religion News Service
Saturday, July 5, 2008

The archbishop of Canterbury said conservatives' plans to usurp his leadership in the Anglican Communion are "problematic in all sorts of ways," saying Anglicans must renew - not dismiss - their frayed connections.

Archbishop Rowan Williams responded Monday to a Jerusalem summit of more than 1,000 conservatives who announced plans on Sunday to create a new council of top archbishops to oversee likeminded Anglicans.

In a direct challenge to both Williams and traditional geographic lines of authority, the conservatives also plan to build a new North American province for Anglicans upset with the liberal sway of their national churches. the rest


At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The title is misleading - evidently the author of the article does not have the foggiest idea what the normal concept of renewal is in the Christian mind - such as restoration, reform, revival.


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