Saturday, August 30, 2008

Thousands evacuate New Orleans area in advance of Hurricane Gustav

In an orderly contrast to the Katrina chaos, cars jam the roads headed north and thousands line up in the heat to board buses and trains out of town. Officials hope to evacuate 30,000 by day's end.
By David Zucchino, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
August 30, 2008

NEW ORLEANS -- In cars, buses and trains, thousands of people fled New Orleans and its outlying parishes this morning as Hurricane Gustav bore down on the Gulf Coast.

Cars packed with children, suitcases and pet carriers jammed roadways leading north and west out of the city. Downtown, thousands more lined up in the morning heat, toting backpacks and plastic bags of food as they waited to board buses and trains to shelters in northern Louisiana and neighboring states. the rest track as of 2 pm

FEMA says Gustav soon to be rated Category 5 storm


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