Monday, September 01, 2008

Northern Plains Anglican: Outing some rumors about Good Shepherd, Sioux Falls

Monday, September 1, 2008
By Timothy Fountain+

Normally, I let this stuff pass. But several sources have passed on several consistent reports of several priests spreading several rumors about me and about my parish:

1. "Tim Fountain is a troublemaker affiliated with some group in Texas."
Yes, I'm a troublemaker if questioning or objecting to the direction of the Diocese and trying to share FACTS with others is "trouble making."

I have no affiliation with any group in Texas. I am a member (not an officer) of the American Anglican Council, which has a South Dakota Chapter and national offices in Atlanta, GA. the rest

Please pray for this situation and others like it! To be the object of rumor and vilification when "the other side" will not talk to you or allow your voice to be heard is very hard. Cutting off communication between parties is a common tactic. ("The response of the diocese has been sarcastic public broadsides and now shunning.") There is a time when these things must be brought into the light so they can be dealt with, especially by prayer!-PD


At 5:41 PM, Blogger TLF+ said...

Thank you for sharing our burden - and most of all for the call to prayer. God bless you.


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