Wednesday, October 15, 2008

England's 'Pittsburgh' unfolds as parishes seek new bishop

Ruth Gledhill's blog
October 14, 2008

Evangelicals from Reform are at present meeting in London at their annual conference. I'll be popping in for a coffee tomorrow morning, before going on to Lambeth Palace for a briefing on the important Common Word conferencethat has been taking place at Cambridge. But I've just received chairman Rod Thomas' address to the conference which makes it clear that an 'English' version is being worked out of the solution to the present Anglican crisis, an English version of the 'solution' adopted so dramatically in Pittsburgh a few days ago. Rod, pictured here in Jerusalem during Gafcon, indicated that English parishes who have a bishop embracing 'unbiblical teaching' will seek alternative oversight. And they will go ahead with this, even if the Church, through its General Synod, cannot find a way to 'accommodate' it, he warned.

Only reluctantly will they head southwards for Greg Venables' Southern Cone, joining Pittsburgh and San Joaquin in his 'safe haven' of Latin America. the rest


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