Monday, December 22, 2008

A Meditation for Late in Advent

By Raymond Dague

We are often unprepared, or at least I am. As I look out my window before the dawn light has hardly begun, I can make out the tall climbing rosebush which I neglected to wrap in burlap this fall. Somehow I just never got to it, and now an unexpectedly early bitter cold winter wind buffets the canes, and may kill the tall growth of the last two seasons when I was diligent in covering them.

Christmas preparation is bit like this. We are upon it; the things I need to do are as yet undone, and I must hurry. Sure, presents are to be bought and wrapped, cards addressed, and cookies baked. But these pale in significance with the preparation of the heart for the reflection on God who enfleshed Himself for us, and came to give us a life for all time with Him.

When one does woodworking, it is the setup and preparation which makes the actual execution of the project good and meaningful. Painting or varnishing the wood is the easy part. It is the careful surface preparation which makes it come out smoothly in the end. So it is with our spiritual life with God. To enter into God’s presence is preceded by a careful time of preparing for Him. Isn’t that why the great feasts of the church have an Advent or a Lent before those days? If we shorten the preparation, we do not fully appreciate the day itself.

As Christmas comes, to prepare the soul is the most important thing. And when death like a cold winter wind comes, and touches our lives, be it with the death of another, or our own impending death, there is often a sense that one is unprepared. As great and important as this event is, to prepare for is just as valuable, and even more so.

Oh Lord, may I prepare for You in the right and perfect way, just like Mary who sat at Your feet to hear Your teaching, and not as Martha who was distracted by the physical preparations of the day. Martha prepared for Jesus’ dinner; Mary prepared for His death and resurrection. Prepare my heart for Christmas, oh Lord, in a way which best serves You.


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