The Curmudgeon: Presiding Bishop Accepts Renunciation by Gay Bishop
(ENS, New York---January 19) In a surprising development on the eve of the presidential inauguration ceremonies in Washington, D.C., the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, the Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori, announced that after consultation with her Advisory Council, she had decided to accept the renunciation recently made of his religion by the Right Reverend V. Gene Robinson, formerly a bishop of the Episcopal Church. In accordance with the provisions of Section 7 of Canon 12, Title III of the Canons of the Episcopal Church, she signed a certificate attesting that Bishop Robinson "is released from the obligations of all Ministerial offices, and is deprived of the right to exercise the gifts and spiritual authority as a Minister of God's Word and Sacraments conferred in Ordinations."
When asked how Bishop Robinson had communicated his renunciation to her, Bishop Jefferts Schori cited a statement he had given to the New York Times on January 12, in which he was reported as saying that he was "horrified" at how "specifically and aggressively Christian" the prayers used by Episcopalians at past inaugurals were, and that he was determined that the nation should not be led in "Christian prayer". "Ever since the recent case of Bishop Iker," said the Presiding Bishop, "we have agreed that statements to the press are the same as statements to this Office."
the rest-this is a hoot, but I wish it were true!
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