Thursday, January 15, 2009

EU Approves Resolution to Force Homosexual “Marriage” Acceptance in All Member States

January 14, 2009

( – A resolution has been passed today at the European Union that proposes to standardise among all member states the legal status of same-sex relationships.

Pro-life and pro-family leaders have called for a strong Christian response to the move that that will force EU member states to adopt same-sex “marriage” or civil unions and bring legalised abortion, even in countries who uphold legal protections for the unborn and in which only natural marriage is legally recognised.

The resolution, authored by Giusto Catania, an Italian Communist MEP, calls upon EU member-states to guarantee access to “sexual and reproductive health and rights,” terms universally accepted as including abortion and sterilisation as well as the recognition of same-sex unions. The resolution represents the next step in the work of European homosexualist activists who started last year with a declaration saying that same-sex “marriage” and civil union laws should be standardised across the EU to facilitate freedom of movement. the rest


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