Obama's abortion war
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
No sooner had President Obama taken the oath of office than he betrayed two of his campaign promises.
In pledging to unite us, not divide us, he promised to find common ground on cultural issues, especially to search for ways to reduce the number of abortions. He thus won the vote of many pro-life voters who believed they could find compromise measures to America's most contentious domestic policy issue. In fact, Mr. Obama secured 54 percent of the Catholic vote, many of whom are staunchly pro-life. Yet, on late Friday afternoon, in as quiet a manner as possible, the president repealed the ban on U.S. funding for foreign family planning aid groups that offer abortion services. This means that American tax dollars can now be used to provide abortions around the world; America is back in business as Doctor Death to millions of the world's babies.
Democrats and Republicans have fought for more than twenty years over this. Ronald Reagan first introduced the ban in 1984; Bill Clinton overturned it in 1993; George Bush re-instated it in 2001. Now, Mr. Obama has declared a culture war right from the outset of his presidency - an act of pure political folly as he will immediately squander much goodwill. the rest image
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