Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pope Ratzinger's manifesto: "In this way the transformation of the world can begin to take place"

The Christian revolution is born in the liturgy, Benedict XVI says. And its "canon," its fundamental rule, is the great Eucharistic prayer. He explained this in his homily for Holy Thursday. And even before this, in a catechesis that was just as remarkable
by Sandro Magister

ROME, April 14, 2009 – During this past Holy Week, Benedict XVI accompanied each celebration with a homily, the kind that are genuinely his own, from the first word to the last. These homilies have become a distinctive sign of his pontificate. They may still be its most unfamiliar and misunderstood feature. But they are definitely its most revealing.

Pope Joseph Ratzinger is not only a theologian, even before this he is a liturgist and a homilist. On www.chiesa, this unmistakable characteristic has been highlighted repeatedly. Last year, for example, by posting to the internet in their entirety, immediately after Easter, the six homilies from the previous Holy Week. And in the fall, by editing the collection in a single volume – published by Scheiwiller, of Gruppo 24 Ore – of Benedict XVI's homilies for the entire liturgical year that had just been completed. the rest


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