Saturday, May 02, 2009

Wave of Eucharistic desecrations offend Catholics

Apr 30, 2009
BY LAURA KILGUS, Staff Reporter

PROVIDENCE – Catholics are urged to be aware of acts of desecration toward the Blessed Sacrament and encouraged to defend the Eucharist, the true body and blood of Jesus Christ.
This desecration is considered to be sacrilegious in the Catholic Church.?It involves the destruction, maltreatment or malicious use of a consecrated or non-consecrated Host.

In August of 2008, several videos were posted on the popular YouTube Web site which showed various acts of eucharistic desecration. In one video, the Blessed Sacrament was flushed down a toilet. In other videos, Hosts were fed to animals, crushed in a blender, and pierced with a nail gun. the rest


At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Sibyl said...

Equal to the desecration of a consecrated Eucharistic Host, are desecrations of humans made in God's image, by thoughts, attitudes, words, actions, manner of dress, that harm, disrespect and defile one's own self, another human human being. Jesus said whatever we do another person (or to ourselves), we do to Him.

When we choose good, blessing, edifying, healing, peacemaking and gathering we do well and cooperate with God.

When we choose evil, cursing, vengeance, maligning, destruction, defiling, scattering, we sin.


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