Monday, June 01, 2009

'Gay' event in Boston caters to pre-teens

Pete Chagnon

A pro-family activist in Massachusetts is disgusted by a recent pro-"gay" advent in Boston that targeted teens and young children.

The Bay State recently sponsored a Youth Pride Day "celebration" in Boston hosted by a cross-dressing man who was the former Miss Gay Massachusetts and a transgender Elvis impersonator, complete with a cross-dressing male "dancing girl" in a bikini. Brian Camenker of MassResistance says teens and some children as young as 12 were bused to the event using taxpayer monies.

"Throughout the day they had all kinds of things [at the event]," Camenker explains. "They had tables giving out a lot of homosexual literature to the kids -- condoms, things like that. A lot of people in the crowd were...female and male adults -- many of the males were dressed in women's clothes. And then they had a parade, where they organized the kids by school, which went by the State Legislature building which was about a block away." the rest


At 9:49 AM, Anonymous Sacerdos said...

Your title is inflammatory. The only pre-teen age group was the lower cutoff of age 12, which admittedly doesn't have "-teen" in it.

But what about all the teenagers (aged 13 to 19), and 20- to 22-year-olds, who needed the event to counteract years of school teasing and bullying?

And how much better to straight kids behave? Not a bit, I'd say.

Please, don't employ young thugs to do your social engineering (mandatory heterosexuality) for you. Jesus is at least as offended by that behavior as by anything that transpired on the Boston Common.

You have an icon of my Lord, Jesus Christ, on your website, yet you traffic with "MassResistance," which is listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group.

I don't appreciate your use of Jesus Christ to cover the work of a Klan-like organization.

Finally: the reason society is changing is twofold:

1. We don't have to be Christian, or heterosexual, in America; none of this is mentioned in our Constitution or Bill of Rights, and is not implicit in such theistic squibs as "in God we trust";

2. The church is realizing, in dribs and drabs, that its "natural law" theory on sexuality is fallacious. Furthermore, this theory was put forward in the Middle Ages specifically because "Sodom and Gomorrah" have little or nothing to do with same-gender eroticism.

You've got no arrows in your quiver, except poisoned ones.

Now, to be Biblically Faithful, a church must have only male clergy, and must utterly and totally forbid divorce except in the specific cases mentioned in the Gospel and in the so-called "Pauline Privilege" matter.

No divorced people, and no female people, can ever be ordained deacon, elder, minister, priest, or especially New Hampshire Bishop!

The future of the Church is two men getting married at a Tridentine Mass, celebrated by a male priest, a male deacon, and a male subdeacon. That's biblical, my friend!

Have you *ever* had any King but Caesar?

At 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sacerdos, Jesus Christ loved all people, but stated that those who sought to corrupt the innocent, including kids were to be spoken out against and avoided. You don't get to hide behind Christ, Sacerdos, it's offensive for you to attempt to exploit what Christ stood for, to defend what is social engineering. Heterosexuality is the normal, natural state, even the APA has decided to admit that there is no gay gene, that there is no proof that anyone is "born that way". What you're in aid of is sexualizing children, which is abusive and corrupt. As to your reference to the klan, the behavior of the extremist gay fascists, their racism, their anti-Christian hatred and violence show that they are just like the kkk.

You're wrong in your claim that society is changing to suit you, in fact you're deliberately ignoring the truth of the matter. For the first time decades, the majority of American citizens are pro-life, traditional Christianity is growing larger once again, as are traditional values. The majority of American citizens are against same sex marriage, and they most certainly are against the sexualization of children.

You can't try and manufacture loopholes to claim that Christ supported your agenda, as well you know. You just hope to bully your way, which will not succeed. What you find inconvenient is that the majority of American citizens are waking up to the fact that the legitimate concerns expressed about extremists like you, were the truth and they are fighting back.


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