Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Robert Schuller taps his daughter to lead ministry's grand comeback

Sheila Schuller Coleman, who has worked in the church for decades, will deliver occasional sermons and be the driving force behind Crystal Cathedral operations, including the 'Hour of Power' TV show.
By Dana Parsons
June 23, 2009

She remembers being about 4 and, as her father worked in his study that doubled as a bedroom, hearing a knock on the front door. She answered and a tearful woman said, "Is the pastor here?"

It was one of Sheila Schuller's first realizations that their small house in Garden Grove was also a sanctuary. In the years that followed, long before Robert Schuller would become an iconic religious figure with a worldwide audience, she came to see her father as "just the local pastor down the street," someone whose job it was to preach on Sundays and help ease people's problems. the rest


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