Thursday, August 20, 2009

When it comes to health care reform, Obama doesn't believe reasonable people can disagree

Katherine Mangu-Ward
August 19, 2009

It's funny—I don't feel like a fearmongering naysayer. And I haven't gotten a check from a health insurance lobbyist in ages. Actually, come to think of it, I've never gotten a check from the insurance lobby.

But Obama says that I am, along with (pick your poll) 30 to 60 percent of Americans who are not on board with massive government intervention in one of the biggest and fastest growing sectors of our economy. So it must be true. I do have all the hallmarks of the cynic. "In the coming weeks, the cynics and the naysayers will continue to exploit fear and concerns for political gain," President Barack Obama wrote in The New York Times on Sunday, after gazing into the near future of the health care debate and seeing a dystopia full of "scare tactics." And it's true.

I am "exploiting" "concerns." By expressing them. In print. In conversation. My 30 to 60 percent fearmongering brethren and I, cynics that we are, just keep having concerns. the rest


At 1:42 PM, Blogger IgorMarxo said...

How you tell when politician lie?

Comrade Pelosi blink

Slick Willy rub nose

Comrade Obama open mouth

Dumb Donkey Gibbs laugh...Hehaw..he..haw..he..haw!

I Igor produce Barrack Milhaus Hussein Obama Birth Certificate at

Compare Obama Care vs Igor Care at Obama vs Igor Care


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