Friday, October 30, 2009

Fr. Nigel update 8:32 AM

Albany Intercessor
Friday morning

Fr. Nigel continues to be in critical condition. He had a good night and is stable. He continues to battle a fever which goes up and down, so prayers for the fever will continue. He continues to have improvements on the scale of a mustard seed, so your prayers are so, so important.

Please pray for:
-healing of his lungs so that he may be removed from the ventilator
-all organs that they continue to function, especially his kidneys
-elimination of his fever and whatever is causing his fever.

Come Holy Spirit, come now with more power.

Blessings to all of you for your prayers.

From: Elizabeth Strickland

Also "continue prayers for protection from sickness for Lynn. You can imagine how exhausted she is." From Fr. Haskell last night.


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