Monday, October 26, 2009

Updates on Fr. Nigel Mumford

2009 10 26, 12:45 PM

Fr. Nigel continues in ICCU in critical condition. His fever is elevated again.

Please pray for:
- all organs that they continue to function
- expeditious healing of his lungs
- elimination of his fever
- his condition to improve so that he may be removed from the ventilator

Please continue to uphold Lynne, his wife, Megan, his daughter, and the rest of his family in your prayers.

Thank you and God bless you for all your prayers.

Albany Intercessor

Update at 5:24 pm:
From: Elizabeth Strickland
Hi Torre,
There has been no change so there is no reason to change the posting. We are changing the time so that people know that that is the latest info.
Thank you for getting the word out.
Blessings to you both. Beth


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