Friday, November 13, 2009

Fr.Nigel Update: Friday, 11:06 AM

Friday, November 13, 2009
Albany Intercessor

Fr. Nigel Mumford continues in critical but stable condition. He continues to be on a ventilator and his oxygen levels are stable. As he is moved around by the nurses, oxygen is used so his numbers go up and down in relation to that, but generally his numbers are stable.

He is awake and responding to questions with a slight nod, although the sedative is still lingering in his system. He is aware that Lynn is there and he even smiles at her. As the sedative works its way out of his body he will be able to concentrate more and begin to move. So prayer for the sedative to be flushed out of his muscles and tissues would be great.

He had a slight fever yesterday, which is not uncommon for pneumonia, but for two previous days his fever had been normal. The rest of his vital signs are good.

So let’s pray for:
-His lungs to be healed expeditiously by the Breath of our Lord so that he can be removed from the ventilator
-The sedative be rinsed from his body by the Living Water of our Lord

We praise you Lord that Fr. Nigel’s vital signs are all stable and that his organs are all working through Your healing touch

We praise and thank you Lord for all your prayer warriors who continue to pray for Fr. Nigel and all your children who need healing

Please keep Lynn in your prayers for strength and stamina for the long road ahead.

Blessings to you all.
Elizabeth Strickland


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