Monday, November 02, 2009

A Generation of Sociopaths

Monday, November 02, 2009
by Mike Adams

Glenn Beck gets it. He understands something I’ve been seeing and writing about as a columnist for the last seven years. He understands that the downfall of America will not come from the outside. It will come from the inside. It will happen because we failed to pass on to our children the values that made our nation great – and to remind them to pass those values on to their children.

A couple of Glenn Beck’s observations - from a recent Fox News broadcast – are worth repeating before I supply a bit of supporting evidence:

I've said this before — and I know I'll get heat for this — but I'm convinced we are raising a generation of would-be killers: the "me generation." … A generation that was brought up by parents who wouldn't spank them because it was too barbaric and were graded in purple pen because red is too frightening. A generation who got trophies no matter what place they finished.

We promised them a land of sunshine rainbows and lollipops. So it should come as no surprise that the "me generation" enters the workforce demanding high salaries, corner offices and promotions in the first few months — all while wanting to dress down and work less than 40 hours a week. the rest


At 2:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out this book, "Sex and the iWorld" by Dr. Dale S. Kuehne. I'm amazed at the wholistic simplicity and relevance his response to where we are now, how we got here, and where we ought to be going. He calls this "me culture" the iWorld and brings attention to the need to shift our thinking to an rWorld: relational. Kuehne drives at the core of our desires, that we are social creatures, and offers a solution (it's even derived from Scripture!) we may all truly desire far more than this "me culture."


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