Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ordination of Fr. Michael Baumann (CANA)

Fr. Baumann (center) with Fr. Jeff Altmann (l) and Fr. Tony Seel (r)
Back row: Bp Derek Jones (l) and Bp. David Bena (r)

Celebration of the Eucharist

Examination of the candidate

Litany for the Ordination

Bp. David Bena

Bp. Derek Jones preaches as the candidate and his wife listen.

Ordination of Mike Baumann begins at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Syracuse, New York.

Church of the Holy Trinity in Syracuse hosted an ordination on Sunday afternoon January 24, 2010 when army chaplain Michael Baumann from Ft. Drum in Watertown, New York was ordained a priest. Bp. David Bena, the CANA bishop with oversight of the parish and oversight of the ADN, was the ordaining bishop. Bp. Derek Jones, the CANA bishop in charge of military chaplains, preached at the service. Church of the Holy Trinity is one of the parishes of the Anglican District of the Northeast which is a part of the Convocation of Anglicans in North America.

(Photos-Raymond Dague)


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