Monday, February 22, 2010

Declining membership hurts Episcopal churches in Northern California

By Jennifer Garza
Monday, Feb. 22, 2010

Faced with declining membership and less money to pay salaries and maintain aging buildings, Beisner is calling on staff and laity to come up with new ways of keeping their church doors open.

The bishop said he has no plans to close any of the 72 churches in the diocese. "But everything is on the table," he said.

Many congregations can no longer afford full-time clergy. Some are having trouble paying their bills. In a letter to clergy this month, a diocesan leader said changes must be made soon.

"There are those who feel we are on the brink of a crisis," said Canon Britt Olson in the Aurora Clergy E-News. "This is because this is a crisis – not only for the congregation, but for all churches in the diocese."

This month, the bishop has been meeting with church leaders to discuss innovative ministries. He also established the Church Response Work Group to help churches deal with everything from financial to administrative issues. the rest

Executive Council discusses trends in Episcopal Church membership


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