Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Toward a blessed and fruitful Lent...

Lent and Beyond has compiled a very comprehensive list of resources and links for prayer, meditation and instruction to help make your Lenten observance blessed and fruitful.
image by Randy OHC

Here is the index of all the posts

Go here for Lent 2010 Around the Blogosphere

For example, I found this wonderful "Sermon on Repentance"

Here's a portion:
For the Lord, who is longsuffering and full of compassion and
mercy, will accept the last even as the first.
He restores him who repents at the first hour,
As He does him who turns back at the eleventh.
And He shows mercy upon the last,
And cares for the first;
And to the one He gives,
And upon the other He bestows gifts.
And He both accepts the confession,
And welcomes the intention,
And honors the contrite heart and rejoices in the return

Pray and ask the Lord how He would have you spend the next 40 days!


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