Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Confession: A rite that's passing

With few Catholics going to confession anymore, the archdiocese launches a campaign to lure them back
By Bella English
Globe Staff / March 10, 2010

In an effort to get the reluctant faithful back to confession, the Archdiocese of Boston is launching an unprecedented campaign - called “The Light Is On For You’’ - using radio spots and a website to promote special confessional hours in nearly 300 parishes during Lent.

But the church faces an uphill battle: Three-quarters of American Catholics either don’t participate in confession at all, or go less than once a year. In the Boston area, more than 80 percent of Catholics don’t even attend church regularly.

To lure Catholics back to confession will “take some time,’’ says archdiocesan spokesman Terrence Donilon. “We don’t view this as a quick fix.’’ the rest


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