Update on Fr. Nigel Mumford
Albany Intercessor
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Fr. Nigel Mumford+
Subject: 2nd day back, healing service report
Ello and God-morrow to you all, Well, today we had our weekly healing service. I have not led one for 6 months! It was so good to be back. About 225 people came, standing room only! Lynn spoke so well and thanked people for the prayers, food, get well cards etc. I spoke on the dreams I had and the overall experience of being so ill and close to death and on being temporally disabled. I mentioned Psalm 23, "The valley of the shadow of death" and many other bible verses that touched and sustained me while in the hospitals. My OT from rehab, Julie, came... it was good to see her without the mask! What a blessed day. I came home and immediately went to sleep for the afternoon. I do thank all who came and for the love, prayers and best wishes that were palpable in church today.
It is so good to be back.
Someone from Tupper Lake gave me an amazing prophetic painting of me being upheld by angels as the hand of God touched my heart to heal me. I just had tears coming down my face when I saw it. Especially as I had just asked one of my prayer team to help me up after prayer by placing a hand under my head, just as the angel had her hand on my head... it was all very moving.
Lynn and I feel very loved today as the outpouring of humanity and care fell over us from caring Christians.
The bishop even gave a dispensation to say the 'A" word and the "H" word today.... BRILLIANT...
Please keep my lungs in your prayers as I slowly return to work 2 to 4 hrs a day, per doctors orders.
Be well.
God bless you,
Fr. Nigel+
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