The Millennial Generation: Do They Know What They Believe?
Chuck Colson
April 6, 2010
The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life just released a survey called "Religion Among the Millennials." It offers some good news and some bad news about young people ages 18 to 29.
First, the bad news. According to Pew, these Millennials "are considerably less religious than older Americans." Fewer belong to any particular faith than older people do. No surprise.
But a real cause of concern is that young people today are "significantly more unaffiliated" than young people were 10 or 20 years ago. Millennials attend religious services less often than oldsters like me; they pray less, and are less likely to say that "religion is very important in their lives."
And their worldviews are skewed. More than half of young adults—including evangelicals—believe that evolution is the best explanation for the development of human life. And they are far more likely than older people to say that homosexuality is a way of life that ought to be accepted by society rather than discouraged. the rest
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