Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bush’s Embryonic Stem Cell Decision from Decision Points

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Wesley J. Smith

I just read President Bush’s chapter in his new book on how he came to his ESCR funding policy. It was very interesting, particularly since I was tangentially engaged in the effort to impact the policy–and later, repeatedly defended his decision.

The ESCR issue was the first major Bush controversy, beginning shortly after he took office when he rescinded President Clinton’s stem cell funding executive order, then about to take effect–which was close to what Obama followed eight years later–and announced that he was going to undertake a period of contemplation and consultation. I strived (from afar) to influence his thinking by writing articles in conservative journals–apparently with some success. In talking at the time to people who were much closer to and more directly involved in the situation, I had the sense that the president was deeply conflicted. the rest


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