Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sexualizing Our Children

Dr. Grace Vuoto
August 12, 2011

Hence, images of a child model in lewd poses in a French mainstream magazine are cause for alarm: the underground of pedophilia is coming to the foreground; the pedophiles are becoming more brazen and shameless. The first reaction among the general public is usually shock, horror, followed by widespread controversy, then boredom and acceptance. Such is the pattern of the permissive society. Yesterday, it was Ingrid Bergman with an-out-of-wedlock pregnancy; today it is ten-year-old Thylane. Tomorrow, this controversy will look tame in comparison to the next perversion to make national headlines.

When the sexual revolution erupted, liberals said sexual fulfillment was the key to individual happiness. Fifty years later, adults are given license to have pre-marital sex, explore same-sex relations and are encouraged to use objects, toys, visual stimulation and even drugs to enhance their pleasure. Maximum pleasure is the goal: maximize and enlarge all sexual organs; maximize and enlarge the amount of sex; maximize and enlarge the years one can have sex; maximize the genders to pursue and positions to engage in. And still, it is not enough.

Therefore, children must be attacked. The sexual revolution has produced a society of all against all. The last bulwark of innocence, the child too must be devoured in the all-consuming drive to bolster sexual pleasure. By the logic of the sexual revolution it must be so: children are the only humans left who still exist largely outside the clutches of our sex-obsessed culture. Their purity is now the forbidden fruit; it is the ultimate object of desire. Their purity too must be devoured, as it is the only reminder that there is another way to live. the rest

Academic conference seeks to normalize pedophilia
Researchers from several prominent U.S. universities will participate tomorrow in a Baltimore conference reportedly aiming to normalize pedophilia. According to the sponsoring organization’s website, the event will examine ways in which “minor-attracted persons” can be involved in a revision of the American Psychological Association (APA) classification of pedophilia... 


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