Saturday, September 10, 2011

Abused Archbishop John Hepworth ready to forgive

Tess Livingstone
From:The Australian
September 10, 2011

AN Australian archbishop leading a breakaway Anglican faction that wants to reunite with Rome has revealed that he fled the Catholic priesthood after experiencing systematic sexual abuse over more than a decade.

Archbishop John Hepworth, the primate of the Traditional Anglican Communion, a 400,000-member Anglican breakaway group seeking reconciliation with the Vatican, broke decades of silence after securing an apology from the Catholic church and an offer of $75,000 compensation.

The revelation of his private pain, known until today only to family, a few close friends and senior church leaders, adds an extraordinary personal twist to the creation of Anglican ordinariates that have opened the way for the largest mass defection to the Catholic Church since the Reformation.

Despite what he suffered over a 12-year period from 1960 at the hands of two priests and a fellow seminary student who went on to be ordained, Archbishop Hepworth said he was determined to continue his mission to bring the churches together. the rest


At 7:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're to be congratulated for posting this, as it has been in the news cycle over 36 hours by now and no mainstream evangelically oriented site has put it up that I've seen. It is quite significant, perhaps most so in Australia but not irrelevant for US or Canadian Anglicans.

At 8:14 AM, Blogger RMBruton said...

Anglicans Ablaze had it posted on September 9th. This man is too troubled and unstable to lead his own life, let alone others'.

At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think you could be more mistaken. You don't know him, do you?


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