Wednesday, February 01, 2012

•Sexual promiscuity costing UK billions of pounds

January 31st, 2012

A culture of sexual license and promiscuity in the UK is costing the taxpayer approximately £100 billion per year, according to findings by the Jubilee Centre.

In a paper entitled nbsp;  “Free sex: Who pays? Moral hazard and sexual ethics”, it’s argued that sex is widely seen as an activity which only affects the couple involved.

However, the report found that sexual freedom has significant costs which are “imposed on society as a whole”, representing “a moral hazard which threatens both our economy and our society.”

The paper warns of a culture which “implicitly views sexual freedom as a greater good than stability of relationship”, causing rising trends in abortion, teenage pregnancies and STI rates, all of which cost the taxpayer large sums of money.

“Our culture’s sexual freedom comes with massive costs attached, accounting for a significant proportion of public spending”, the report claims.

“These costs are met by society collectively rather than by the individuals most directly involved in causing them.” the rest


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