Shocking Video: Planned Parenthood Targets Kids With Sex
Shocking Video: Planned Parenthood Targets Kids With Sex
by Steven Ertelt
A new video expose and report from a pro-life group shows how the Planned Parenthood abortion business exposes children to sexual material in order to seed a generation of sex addicts who will become future customers for the abortion giant.
The new American Life League report exposes Planned Parenthood’s sex programs using graphic imagery from Planned Parenthood’s own websites, materials, and events.
As Planned Parenthood kicks off National Condom Week tomorrow, it will also be actively engaged in selling underage sex to children, as young as those in grade school, with graphic videos and books, ALL says. The new disturbing video it compiled shows Planned Parenthood’s sexualization materials that are presented to school-age children across the country. the rest/video-not for kids!!!
Whistleblower Says Planned Parenthood Defrauded Government
Government Produces Obscene Gay Sex Manual: California
...But the taxpayer money flushed away here is peanuts compared to what gays cost the public by spreading AIDS — a cost that will only go up as Big Government tightens its stranglehold on the healthcare sector, socializing expenses while doing everything in its power to promote homosexual debauchery....
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