New study indicates baby girls targeted for abortion in Ontario
by Peter Baklinski
Tue Apr 17, 2012
( – A new study supports previous research that unborn girls are being targeted for abortion by certain immigrant groups in Canada who culturally prefer a son over a daughter. Calling it a “concerning trend,” the study found that “male selection remains the most likely reason for the higher male:female ratios” in certain ethnic groups who have immigrated to Ontario.
“Our findings raise the possibility that couples originating from India may be more likely than Canadian-born couples to use prenatal sex determination and terminate a second or subsequent pregnancy if the fetus is female,” the authors of the study say.
The study, titled “Sex ratios among Canadian liveborn infants of mothers from different countries,” appeared online yesterday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. Research was led by Dr. Joel Ray, a clinician scientist at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. the rest
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