Saturday, May 19, 2012

Albert Mohler: To Utter What Has Been Hidden Since the Foundation of the World

This is a commencement address and charge to graduates of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, delivered May 18, 2012

These graduates, and all who receive this calling, are not assigned to preach and teach a clever message. They are not assigned the task to compose their own truth and develop their own good news. They are to utter what has been hidden from the foundation of the world.

Just think of this: These graduates are now to be set loose in the world to utter hidden things, to make the name of Jesus famous, to declare the Gospel as public truth and as a message of salvation to be declared to every person and taken to every nation. They are not assigned to conceal, but to reveal. They are not to remain silent, but to speak. They are called to speak truths that so many prophets and righteous men longed to see and did not see it; longed to hear and did not hear it. [Matthew 13:17]

These graduates are not naturally capable of these things, but Christ will make them able. No human voice is worthy of uttering these truths, but God gives the utterance. Our salvation is all of grace, and so also is our ministry.

Graduates, you are called to open your mouths and utter what has been hidden from the foundation of the world. Following the call of God, you are commissioned to take the Gospel to the nations. Eternity hangs in the balance and the health of Christ’s church requires your faithful preaching. Some of you will labor out of our sight, ever known by God. Some of you will leave home and homeland for the cause of the Gospel. Some of you will die early in Christ’s service, knowing that you are safe in the faithfulness of your Savior. Some of you will grow old and live long, knowing that we are called to be faithful to the end. All of you will face adversity and exhilaration in ministry. In Christ, you will all get safely home. Full address


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