Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Aftermath...November 7, 2012

America goes into the darkness
The greatest satisfaction today over the re-election of Obama is not being felt in the Democratic Party. It is not being felt among the media, who are no longer objective observers but have turned instead into corrupt partisans who ruthlessly censored the truth about Obama and helped peddle his demonising propaganda about his opponent. It is not being felt among the gloating, drooling decadents of the western left who now scent a great blood-letting of all who dare defy their secular inquisition. No, the greatest satisfaction is surely being felt in Iran.

With four more years of Obama in the White House, Iran can now be sure that it will be able to complete its infernal construction of a genocide bomb to use against the Jews and the west. World War Three has now come a lot closer...

The Death of Ordinary Decency
...No -- the balance of decency in America has changed. Every society has normal, decent people and the other kind. The America we grew up in was fundamentally decent. Decency was the expected standard.

Now the balance has changed.

The evidence for our sleazified culture can be seen all around. It is in our pop music, which has lost melody and now just has rhythm. We have a President who won on revenge against middle class values. That's what he meant by telling his people to vote for revenge. And they did -- showing us exactly who they are.

We are now a society divided between the makers and the takers, and the takers are on a campaign of theft and revenge.

We have a President who takes dangerous pride in his hatred for "middleclassness" as Jeremiah Wright taught him to believe. We have a President who culminated his campaign with a ghetto singer rapping about hoes and bitches, about drug-ridden and broken families, as if all those cruelties were good.

This is not normal, decent America...

It is not.

We need to face that.

Andrew Klavan: The Long Game
Life is short, said Hippocrates, but art is long. There is a practical corollary to that great truth: elections are won and lost in the politics of the moment, but it’s the culture that makes the nation.

In the aftermath of President Obama’s victory, conservative political thinkers will have to ask themselves some hard questions. How much of our defeat was due to strategy and how much to structure? How can we reach out to struggling workers without sacrificing our commitment to free enterprise and individual liberty? How can we speak to single women without losing voters committed to family values and the lives of the unborn? How can we welcome the children of illegal immigrants without compromising our belief in the rule of law?

The smartest political writers in the country, all of whom are conservative, will now be addressing those questions. I’m an artist; I play the long game...

Matt Kennedy: Decline and Fall
...On the other hand, I believe this is just one more step in the long process of God handing this nation over to the particular destruction we’ve chosen. America is not and never has been “the hope of the earth” (one of Mitt Romney’s favorite slogans). Jesus is. One day this nation and government will fall. His never will.

Until then, we do not trust in rulers or governments or presidents. Jesus is forever on the throne and on this earth we have his Church, a people and nation and kingdom over which the gates of Hades will never prevail.

And yet Hades’ gates do seem to have come uncomfortably close. I personally know many otherwise faithful Christians willing to cast a vote for a pro-abortion candidate. That fact has been and remains one of the most baffling and frustrating things in the world to me.

How do they justify it? In my experience most try to weigh it out morally like this: “Well liberal policies “help the poor” (which is delusional but there you go) and liberal politicians are generally “anti-war” (which adds naive to delusional but, again, there you go) so we can swallow abortion (i.e. the dismemberment of 1.6 million babies).

The moral calculus of the above consideration is simply indefensible given the ongoing holocaust. If we were to put it to people hypothetically: “Would you vote for a candidate who promised to make all the changes you think necessary in the nation but who also promised to facilitate the murder of 1 million babies every year?” No One would vote for him. But when people - even Christian people - hear “pro-choice” they don’t think in those terms. I don’t think they grasp what that really means even if they consider themselves “personally” pro-life.

And that’s what frightens me about the Church in America. Morally compromised, supine in the face of mass murder, staring unseeing into the gaping maw of hellish brutality…I wonder whether the salt in this part of the earth has lost its saltiness? If so, our national decline and fall is far closer than I suspected.
 (This analysis hits the nail on the head for me...PD)

Albert Mohler: Aftermath-Lessons from the 2012 Election
The 2012 U.S. election is over, and more than 100 million Americans participated in the great exercise of democracy — fulfilling the franchise of the vote. Even with some votes not yet counted and some issues as yet clarified, a general picture of the election is clearly in view, and the impact of this election will be both massive and enduring.
Several lessons emerge in the immediate aftermath of the election and Christians should consider them carefully...
...Clearly, we face a new moral landscape in America, and huge challenge to those of us who care passionately about these issues. We face a worldview challenge that is far greater than any political challenge, as we must learn how to winsomely convince Americans to share our moral convictions about marriage, sex, the sanctity of life, and a range of moral issues. This will not be easy. It is, however, an urgent call to action..
“It’s not a traditional America anymore. People want stuff. They want things."
And who is going to give them things? President Obama. He knows it and he ran on it...

Fox News exit poll summary: Obama's key groups made the difference
...Meanwhile, more Democrats than Republicans voted, 38-32 percent. In 2008, Democrats also outnumbered Republicans by 39-32 percent...

5 Big Stories The Media Will 'Discover' After The Election
 (I count six)
• The economy really does stink...
• Massive debt and entitlement crises loom...
• The debt ceiling limit is fast approaching...
• ObamaCare isn't what it was cracked up to be...
• Obama's deficit-cutting plan won't work...
• Questions about Benghazi still demand answers...

The Religious Right is dead
Guys – have a quick puff of your joint before heading down the aisle with your boyfriend. In addition to re-electing Obama, various American states voted to legalise dope and gay marriage. OK, so they weren't necessarily the same states, but you get the picture. Last night was a victory for secular liberal America – or, to put it another way, America's emerging secular liberal majority. The United States is still pious by European standards, but the gap is narrowing every year. You cannot visit American bookshops without being struck by the popularity of atheist cheerleaders or agnostic self-help gurus; when I meet a young New Yorker or Californian I assume – as I would in Britain – that they don't go to church, have liberal positions on abortion and homosexuality and generally despise the conservative religious activism that, until so recently, had the power to elect presidents...

Dow Skids 200 as 'Fiscal Cliff,' EU Fears Resurface
Stocks tumbled across the board Wednesday in the wake of President Barack Obama's re-election, triggered by worries over the looming "fiscal cliff" and as fears over Europe's economy reemerged...

Update: Stocks Skid 2%; Dow Dives 300, SandP Below 1400

Obamacare excessive excise taxes set to take effect in 2013
By Rebekah Rast — Now that we know what leadership the next four years holds, there’s much at stake this coming year that needs to be addressed now.

Come January, Americans will be facing myriad new taxes under Obamacare. Unless Congress and the newly elected leader of this country make some radical changes to this law, the American people will become further entwined in its web of mandates and regulations...

Bronco Bama and Mitt Romney Aren't the Only Things to Cry Over


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