Monday, January 14, 2013

Scrolling around...January 12, 2013

U.S. Playing Second Fiddle in Panama Canal Rebuild?
...Now, a century later, the Canal is being dramatically expanded, and the U.S. government is much less involved. Panama has had sovereignty over the canal for a generation, and U.S. companies aren’t dominating the reconstruction...

ObamaCare's Health-Insurance Sticker Shock
Health-insurance premiums have been rising—and consumers will experience another series of price shocks later this year when some see their premiums skyrocket thanks to the Affordable Care Act, aka ObamaCare.

The reason: The congressional Democrats who crafted the legislation ignored virtually every actuarial principle governing rational insurance pricing. Premiums will soon reflect that disregard—indeed, premiums are already reflecting it...

Study finds unsafe mercury levels in 84 percent of all fish
 A new study from the Biodiversity Research Institute in Maine found that 84 percent of fish have unsafe levels of mercury. That poses a health risk for humans, exceeding the guidelines for eating certain kinds of fish more than once a month...

Home Burglary Tied to Journal News' Gun Map Reported
On Jan 13, New York State senator Gregory Ball announced that a burglary had been reported which appears to be a direct result of the Journal News' gun-owner-name-dump.

According to Sen. Ball's announcement, the burglar allegedly "used the Journal News' interactive gun map to target a home included on the map."...

Muzzling Military Chaplains
One of the items on Obama’s second term agenda is to root out traditionally Christian chaplains from the military. He sees them as bigots unworthy of conscience protections. Like Chick-fil-A, they don’t uphold Obama’s “values.”

Obama’s mouthpieces in the military have already blurted this out. In 2010, Admiral Michael Mullen told a Christian chaplain who opposed the repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy that “If you cannot get in line, resign your commission.” That same year Lieutenant General Thomas P. Bostick, the Army’s deputy chief of staff in charge of personnel, said military members who dissent from Obama’s gay rights agenda should “get out.”...

Hobby Lobby Finds Way To Delay Accrual of Affordable Care Act Penalties

French Anti-Gay Marriage Protests Draw Hundreds of Thousands
...About 340,000 people joined today’s marches, according to police estimates, while organizers indicated a turnout of more than 800,000. Protesters dancing to hip-hop music carried pink flags with white images of the traditional family: man, woman and two children...


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