Monday, March 02, 2015

Isis threatens Twitter employees; Sudan. The Other Caliphate Builder...more

Will Christians Soon Need to Leave Their Faith at Home?  Bakers are being forced to bake wedding cakes for gay couples, students are being punished for speaking up for their faith in schools and our soldiers are even being denied the opportunity to read their bibles. Is the kind of freedom loving culture our Founding Fathers envisioned?...

Isis threatens Twitter employees over blocked accounts     Isis supporters have threatened Twitter employees, including co-founder Jack Dorsey specifically, with death over the social network’s practice of blocking accounts associated with the group.

In an Arabic post uploaded to the image-sharing site, the group told Twitter that “your virtual war on us will cause a real war on you”. It warned that Jack Dorsey and Twitter employees have “become a target for the soldiers of the Caliphate and supporters scattered among your midst!”

“You started this failed war … We told you from the beginning it’s not your war, but you didn’t get it and kept closing our accounts on Twitter, but we always come back. But when our lions come and take your breath, you will never come back to life.”...

Sudan. The Other Caliphate Builder. ...As we commit to pray for the minority groups that ISIS is persecuting and slaughtering, and to pray against the spread and effectiveness of ISIS in building a caliphate, we should pray for the Christians and other “marginalized people groups” in Sudan (basically, the indigenous African people groups, treated with contempt and racism by the elites who rule the country). Pray against the evil works of the Sudan government both in country, and in working with other terrorists and jihadists around the world. And pray that this genocidal regime attempting to eradicate the marginalized people groups as well as establish a worldwide caliphate would be brought down and replaced with a government founded in justice and righteousness.

The building of a caliphate, a global Sharia-based hegemony, requires the elimination of all the unwanted elements — infidels and other unworthies. We have the ability to watch this in gruesome, graphic, live action social media by ISIS. But the National Islamic Front regime in Sudan is much further below the radar for most people. Below you will find two recent examples of what that government is doing to its own people in Darfur and Nuba Mountains...

'Jesus Christ' banned when ordering from Marks and Spencer... but 'Jihad' is ok Customers ordering flowers online from Marks and Spencer can use words such as "jihad", Buddha and Allah inmessages.

But other words such as "Christ" and "Jesus Christ" are banned, along with profanities, and the word "gay".

Customers who try to add a free message when they buy flowers cannot complete their order if they attempt to use one of the banned words. A pop-up message tells them: "Sorry, there's something in your message we can't write."...


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