Saturday, March 24, 2018

Some of the Dumbest Signs Seen at the March for Our Lives; Small churches...more

Here are Some of the Dumbest Signs Seen at the March for Our Lives
 One of the best things about lefty marches is that people bring all sorts of signs that reveal their hatred and/0r ignorance of the thing they’re protesting for. Thankfully, the “March for Our Lives” is no different.

The following are some of the dumbest signs, as well as some of the best reactions to them, by the Twitterverse...

The Incoherent 'March for Our Lives'
As I watched news clips from today's nationwide "March for our Lives," I asked myself a simple question that no one in the overwrought news media was asking:

What do they want?

"We want change" was chanted and a lot of dire warnings to the NRA, to politicians supported by them, and Second Amendment supporters (yeah, that damn Constitution) were issued. But something tangible that the nation could rally around to effect "change"? Not so much...

20 Truths from Small Church Essentials
Karl Vaters’ new book Small Church Essentials: Field-Tested Principles for Leading a Healthy Congregation of Under 250 has just released and it’s a great read for pastors and leaders of smaller churches. Karl has been a small church pastor for 30 years, is the author of The Grasshopper Myth: Big Churches, Small Churches, and the Small Thinking that Divides Us (2013), and travels extensively to churches and conferences to speak about leading a small church well. Below is what I found especially helpful.

1.Church leaders often wring their hands over the “problem” of small churches, and how to turn them into big churches. Like most prejudices, however, our problems with small churches aren’t what they seem. Just because a church is small, doesn’t mean it’s broken (pg. 10)....

2.Just because we don’t have a kickin’ worship band does not mean we’ll settle for passionless worship (pg. 43).

Richard Dawkins: ‘Benign’ Christianity is about to be replaced by ‘something worse’–Islam Despite his years of denouncing religion, Richard Dawkins does not welcome a European future without Christianity.

On Wednesday, the atheist author and evolutionary biologist warned those inclined to “rejoice at the death throes of the relatively benign Christian religion” to keep in mind the danger of "something worse" taking its place.

That worse alternative, Dawkins suggests, is Islam, which he has previously called “the most evil religion in the world.”...

LGBT activists physically attack Dutch Christians protesting erotic ads


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